
Alleged Cabbie-Stabber Hated Muslims, Linked to Tea Party Politician

The Spite House8/26/2010 11:23:10 am PDT

re: #179 Walter L. Newton

I was fucking born and raise in the tri-state area. I love how a lot of you folks see a fucking buck-tooth conservative behind every cowboy hat. Boy, talk about stereotyping. I live in the Rocky Mountains, a very rural are. There are tons of folks that live up here that lot like a picture plate out of some “Country Boy Annual” who are more liberal than you could ever think of being.

This is a big, wide, country and not every bow-legged cowboy is some sort of right wing bigot.

Get real… it’s not all Hollywood or crappy-assed reality TV.

Oy. You are completely right. People seem to forget that NY had a Republican governor not too long ago, and he actually did a pretty decent job of it. Surely someone in the city voted for him…