
GOP Congressman Roy Blunt: 'Eliminate the Monkey Problem'

Locker9/19/2009 3:01:21 pm PDT

re: #176 MJ

Locker, I don’t really give a damn what you think. Got that.

You defend Glenn Greenwald, a guy who writes for Pat Buchanan’s American Conservative magazine; a guy who appears on Justin Raimondo’s Anti-War Radio show; a guy who defends Ron Paul; a guy who writes for Lew Rockwell.
Naturally, Greenwald defended Moyers outrageous statements.

I would provide links but the post would be deleted by Charles for linking to hate sites.

Here’s Abe Foxman on Bill Moyers Israel statements:

Mr. Moyers,

In less than a thousand words, you managed to fit into your January 9 commentary: (1) moral equivalency between Hamas, a radical Islamic terrorist group whose anti-Semitic charter cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and perhaps America’s greatest ally in the world; (2) historical revisionism, asserting that Canaanites were Arabs; (3) anti-Semitism, declaring that Jews are “genetically coded” for violence; (4) ignorance of the terrorist threat against Israel, claiming that checkpoints, the security fence, and the Gaza operation are tactics of humiliation rather than counter-terrorism; and (5) promotion of an individual, the Norwegian doctor in Gaza, who has publicly expressed support for the September 11 attacks.

I have seen and read serious critiques of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, and I have disagreed with many of them. Your commentary, however, is different, consisting mostly of intellectually and morally faulty claims that do a great disservice to the PBS audience. It invites not disagreement, but rebuke.

On one point you are correct – “America has officially chosen sides.” And rightly so. Fortunately for our nation, very few of our citizens engage in the same moral equivalency, racism, historical revisionism, and indifference to terrorism as you. If the reverse held, it would not be a country that any decent person would want to live in.


Abraham H. Foxman
National Director
Anti-Defamation League

Locker, you obviously have a problem with Israel.

Ah so now I have a problem with Israel because you say so? Interesting. I’ll make sure to ignore anything else you post as you are obviously biased beyond all logic or reasonableness. Enjoy your tinfoil hat.