
Poll: Republicans Suddenly Realize Their Medicare is Getting Cut Too

Targetpractice4/19/2011 3:55:00 pm PDT

re: #175 Renaissance_Man

Scaremongering has already convinced a significant minority of the country of things that are baldly, obviously false. I’m not sure why you think that scaremongering won’t continue to convince people that upwards wealth transfer, from the middle class to the super rich, is good and right. They’ve been convinced of that for nearly thirty years now.

Largely because we’re no longer talking hypotheticals, we’re talking a very real game plan on the part of the GOP. They have passed the Ryan Plan in the House, which spells out the end of Medicare as we know it. Done not in an effort to balance the budget or get the debt paid down, but to finance yet another giveaway to those who least need more money in their pockets.