
Overnight Space Photo: The Glory of Saturn's Rings

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/07/2014 6:37:56 am PST

re: #148 Justanotherhuman

The phrase was, “every man I came into contact with”, not every man out there, and it was in the context of being a young divorced woman, someone who “needed it”, as I was told more than once. I was seen as a “used product”, not a “virgin”, not a person to be respected.

And I’m saying that, unless statistics were wildly improbable, that there were gay guys you came into contact with, as well as heterosexual guys who just didn’t feel that way.

I suspect many of those social attitudes are still around. There is a reason I never married again or even had a long-term relationship where I had to live with someone, the reason I became a feminist, and it mostly had to do with those kinds of attitudes and the fact that I refuse to be controlled by them.

Those attitudes, and other equally problematic ones are still around, yes. And everyone should be a feminist: female equality should just be a no-brainer, and it’s sad that it isn’t.

If guys could actually walk around as women for a week, I think their attitudes would change a lot.