
Gateway Pundit Doubles Down on Derp: Vegas Terrorist "Ranted Like Crazed Leftist"

Kragar6/10/2014 12:24:34 pm PDT

re: #181 Kragar

“[The government] needs the police and the military to wipe out the liberty movement, and we wipe them out. […] I estimate in the civil war, 300,000 police will die. I estimate that if the military marches out against the gun owners, half a million dead. Two million dead on the side of the patriots. Won’t matter, we’ll have another 10 million where that came from. But it’ll be a real war once they start it.”

Jones ends the segment by shouting, “We’ve got to stop the civil war. Don’t kill cops!” But seconds earlier he clearly issued the threat that 300,000 cops will die in a civil war at the hands of “patriots,” which is by any account a complimentary term.