
Blogger Chuck Johnson Knows Who to Blame for Being Suspended From Twitter: Me

goddamnedfrank10/14/2014 1:38:05 pm PDT

re: #161 Charles Johnson

She seemed to think Chuck did nothing wrong by posting the names and addresses of these people.

Did any of the other newspapers that published that shit do it on Twitter? Did they use Twitter to link to the information, in Tweets identifying the address as being at the other end of the link? Chuck’s problem is that he’s a shitlord. Twitter doesn’t belong to him, but he’s an obstinate / defiant little crap weasel and has zero respect for the rules of other people’s homes. Even if we deliberately ignore the sheer impropriety of doxing those people, and on top of that threatening to dox children for fuck’s sake, his behavior should be enough for Twitter to ban him for life as an incorrigible, untrustworthy pudwhack.

He basically flipped @support off, twice, and is now smirking from the sidelines.