
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

ConservativeAtheist3/30/2009 11:41:01 am PDT

“… there may be credible scientists raising valid objections to catastrophic anthropogenic climate change theory …”

Just trying to fix that up a bit.

From what I’ve been able to glean, there is credible data that global temperatures have increased slightly in the past century or so. There is credible data that CO2 levels have increased in the past century. There is credible data that a portion of those increased CO2 levels are likely caused by man. There is a reasonable hypothosis that those increased CO2 levels might be causing a portion of the slight increase in temperatures. But there is very little credible evidence that any of this is in the least bit catastrophic or will be so in the future.

I’ve noticed the recent meme from the climate armageddonists is that we are seeing unprecedented, rapid warming. This is so patently false that it’s absurd. Global temperatures have not increased for the past decade, and global ice extent levels are back to the average levels of the previous two decades.