
CNN's Brian Stelter: Officer Darren Wilson Holding Secret Meetings With Media Bigwigs

lawhawk11/24/2014 8:05:27 am PST

Should media be questioning why GOP dumped it on a Friday night chock full of other news (Ferguson grand jury; immigration kerfuffle). Absolutely. Should they be highlighting that the GOP spent 2 years claiming all manner of conspiracy and malfeasance by the Administration over how they approached the Benghazi incident.

And the GOP investigation found nothing. No wrong doing. No cover up. Nothing so much as even the slightest bit of impropriety by the Administration - whether it was the President, Sec. State, or CIA, or DoD. And even the claim that was made initially about the film playing a role in the crisis turned out to be confirmed later by some of the very participants who were eventually captured.

More to the point, shouldn’t Fox News be spending days apologizing for getting and hyping every Benghazi related story except the only one that counts - that the GOP/right wing witch hunt turned out to be completely bogus and that every single one of those Fox News nitwits pushing this story for months owes the Administration an apology (none forthcoming, but it’s laughable that Fox is now complaining about how biased the coverage was for a scandal that wasn’t supported by reality).

In other words, the GOP nothing burger, which was used to rile up the low-information GOP voters into a frenzy calling for impeachment and demands for action was completely bogus and wrong.

But since this is the GOP - it means never having to say you’re wrong. They just move on to the next kerfuffle and nothingburger of a scandal (it’ll be the IRS from here on out).