
A Public Service Message From the Klan: Not All KKK Members Support Donald Trump

Brian J.3/08/2016 4:38:28 pm PST

re: #181 Dave80

Dreher is one of those guys that gets on my nerves out of proportion to the harm he does. He is such an pseudointellectual middle ages theology snob and is offended that we as a group don’t respect his beliefs enough; while of course never reciprocating that respect. Seriously William of Occam he complains about Occam. The problem isn’t that he can’t go cosplay his monastic lifestyle it’s that he can’t do it and pretend that the rest of the world gives a shit. And that’s the problem we don’t acknowledge his intellectual and moral superiority and that’s not acceptable in his world. He’s the sort of asshat that if he did actually withdraw he would be so smug about it that I would be seriously tempted to introduce him to some good old fashioned depredations and raiding. For verisimilitude of course.

If you’ve ever read John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces, you have no trouble at all identifying Dreher as a more bad-tempered and even dumber version of its protagonist, Ignatius J. Reilly. I really didn’t know if there were such people, but apparently there are.