
New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Approved

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/02/2009 1:20:06 pm PST

re: #166 SixDegrees

Adult stem cell thereapies have been one of the main focuses, paritally because of the 8 year Bush ban— the US really, really does lead the world in scientific research, and when we’re not moving on something, it slows the field as a whole by an enormous amount. As I keep saying, there’s a ton of basic science on embryonic stem cells that needs to be done.

There’s a lot of therapies in various stages of clinical trials— most of them are about adult stem cells, only a few at this point about embryonic. That will change.

I was only objecting to the idea that there are currently no actual therapies involving stem cells, and the idea that the lack of therapies indicates a lack of utility.