
Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

Backwoods Sleuth1/30/2014 1:21:35 pm PST

re: #176 Justanotherhuman

Yeah, but you know the old saying, “You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

Solar panels have been available for years, and guess what? Most people say that they spoil the look of the house. Of course, they also get some getting used to and aren’t right for some locations, but those who use them successfully report having all the energy they need and even selling it back to the power co.

Yes, we’re that shallow and backward a people, that we don’t demand the technology because it “doesn’t look good” to us and might spoil the roof line. Sure, it can be a major expense, but so is granite, marble, wood floors and other luxury amenities, including oversized refrigerators, ranges and just our over-large houses in general.

I have solar panels and think they look mighty fine. Everyone who visits and sees them wants to have them, too.