
Kansas Community Center Killer Frazier Glenn Miller Is a Longtime Neo-Nazi

kirkspencer4/14/2014 8:12:42 am PDT

re: #175 Dr Lizardo

re: #178 Dr. Matt

Neither are needed (nor authorized per posse comitatus acts).

The court has (multiple times) given BLM the right to remove and confiscate the cattle found on federal land. (see for example this and this, the two most recent court decisions over the whole mess. Actually, read them so you know some of the extra hurdles the BLM has crossed.)

All that’s required is for BLM to continue taking and selling any and all cattle found on the land. Bundy cannot afford to mount sufficient armed guards over all of them - it rapidly becomes cheaper to use approved land. So just use UAVs to overfly the herds and check for guards. No guards, run in a cattle collection team. Have a delay-strike team on standby for when Bundy tries to play stupid interception games. Plan and prepare an assault team for Bundy trying to turn it all into a shooting match on federal land.