
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Athos4/08/2009 10:05:01 am PDT

re: #45 lawhawk

Bingo - I think you hit the nail on the head. It is nothing but a classic case, to paraphrase Charles Krauthammer, of Charles Derangement Syndrome.

As Pam gets increasingly shrill, driven by hate and fear, she has decided to go over the top. Rather than accept being talked down from the precipit, she surrendered to desperation and became blind deciding to make a deal with the devil in the effort to defeat her fear and those she hates. Spencer is far more intellectually bankrupt as he knows that the people he is joining as allies are odious - but prefers to ignore those things in order to have an ally to fight islamofascism. Both of them are locked into the islamo fight - and are willing to exchange one form of fascism for another.

As the derangement grows, we, unfortunately, can expect more pathetic efforts to smear Charles and LGF as the problem, not the reasoned and principled manner to fight back.