
Hipster Kittehs in Outer Space: Dreams Are Real

austin_blue8/23/2013 5:33:43 pm PDT

re: #122 Gus

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Souda Bay is actually on the NW corner of Crete- technically Greece, I suppose. The Roberts was nearly sunk in ‘88 by an Iranian mine during the tanker wars between Iran and Iraq. The crew’s effort in saving the ship was absolutely heroic (her keel had been broken). She can launch a whole shitpot of anti-ship missiles but can’t shoot cruise missiles. Her job is to defend ships that do.

The original SBR was a DE that was sunk off of the Phillipines during the Battle of Samar, which was documented in The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, one of the great books that chronicles the sheer balls of the US Navy during WWII. Highly recommended, it will leave you shaking your head in awe. Three destroyers fought of the fucking Yamato’s battleship group and kept them from getting into Leyte Gulf.