
Hilarious: Stephen Colbert Defends Rand Paul Against Plagiarism Charges

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/31/2013 4:12:13 am PDT

re: #188 Sol Berdinowitz

You have made your point, although RP is not an English student, I just find it intellectually lazy and an affront to the intelligence of anyone listening.

Obviously he is coiunting on ther being very little intelligence among his audience to insult, or simply such ideological blinderedness that they don’t care if it is a lifted quote from a review of a bad science-fiction movie

Using a work of fiction to support an argument is weak sauce, too. I agree with you that Paul figures his audience is clueless, which it is, so why strain himself writing an intellectually honest, cogent speech?

This is the same guy who just a few days ago told medical students that misinformation and misdirection were keys to their success. And who has a self-certification as an opthamologist. I’m not sure hard work is in his DNA.