
Krauthammer Wants Honest Debate

doubter44448/21/2009 10:59:17 am PDT

re: #64 Land Shark

An honest debate on health care in my opinion starts with the fact a solid majority of Americans are happy with their health care. There is no mass public outcry for health care reform. This is an obsession on the part of Obama and the Democrats, I saw a poll a while ago only 12% on the people polled thought of it as the most important issue.

This is not about what the American people want and need, this is about Obama and the Democrats imposing this on the people whether we want it or not. It’s about getting the government involved in everyone’s lives. They believe they know what’s good for us better than we do.

I think you are incorrect.
I think most people are OK with the system, given no other alternatives.
I personally have dealt with the insurance companies and it’s been a nightmare.
I had a group plan. My doctor told me to get my prostate check, as I was nearing 50 (lord above!).
I got it checked, the urologist asked for a couple more tests.
Two years later, I started my own business, was on Cobra, then thought (silly me) that it would be cheaper to get it myself, left the plan an looked for private insurance.
Same company, Blue Shield.
I was rejected because of the the tests.
My 6 year old daughter, born with a minor birth effect, takes an anti-acid for reflux. On the group, never a peep.
She was rejected for “preexisting condition”.
Fought with the company, we are on at 175 % premium, it’s gone up 4 times in 2 years.
The two of us pay almost 1800 a month.
For no fucking reason. Doctors note certified her, certified me as healthy, with no health problems.
No dice.
My case in not special, so “happy with my health care” is not me.
So I think something needs to be done to break the stranglehold insurance companies have.