
Ireland's Ridiculous Blasphemy Law Goes Into Effect

iceweasel1/02/2010 3:11:04 pm PST

re: #182 SanFranciscoZionist

I used to buy women’s magazines in Ireland that had been altered to edit out ads for birth control, family planning clinics and sex toys.

Birth control information was plastered on the walls of the women’s rooms on the UC Cork campus, however, along with “Any information about…” with various boys’ names following. (This is how you learn more about young men you are interested in on an Irish college campus.)

My favorite ever was “Any information about Declan Boleyn?” To which one of the responses was “His great-great-great-great gran had her head chopped off by Henry VIII.”

That’s hilarious! And I looove the name declan.
How was Cork? I’ve spent minimal time in Ireland and was part of a tour sort of thing unfortunately. Also was travelling with my teetotaling, conservative, very very buttoned up sister, which is a whole other story…