
Greenwald's Shock News of the Day: The US Spies on Foreign Leaders

simoom10/28/2013 12:44:58 pm PDT

It wasn’t that long ago that it was a central tenant of Snowden-as-whistleblower apologetics how his leaks only covered US domestic issues and he was so very careful not to damage US foreign intelligence gathering. Now of course Greenwald and Poitras’ focus is almost entirely on causing maximal damage to US interests abroad using the Snowden material. The next time someone gets an interview with Snowden I really hope they pin him down on the topic. He should be prodded to either side with Greenwald’s anti-western intelligence crusade or to split with him on how he’s been using the leaked documents. In his recent NYT interview he was allowed to make all sorts of claims about how brilliantly he’s protecting US secrets from our adversaries, even as Greenwald has continued to dump those secrets (cherry-picked, spun and exaggerated) into the public domain.