
Pat Robertson: Young Earth Creationism is a "Joke"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/05/2014 10:36:26 am PST

Mullah Mohler, head of the most important seminary of the largest fundamentalist denomination in the US, chimes in:

Bill Nye’s Reasonable Man—The Central Worldview Clash of the Ham-Nye Debate


Ken Ham is a Young Earth Creationist (as am I), but the larger argument was over worldviews, and the debate revealed the direct collision between evolution and the recognition of any historical authority within Genesis 1-11. As if to make that clear, in making one of his closing arguments, Bill Nye actually went back to cite “this problem of the ark.”

The ark is not the real problem; autonomous human reason is. Bill Nye is a true believer in human reason and the ability of modern science to deliver us. Humanity is just “one germ away” from extinction, he said. But science provides him with the joy of discovery and understanding.


The central issue last night was really not the age of the earth or the claims of modern science. The question was not really about the ark or sediment layers or fossils. It was about the central worldview clash of our times, and of any time: the clash between the worldview of the self-declared “reasonable man” and the worldview of the sinner saved by grace.

This is just restating the presuppositional argument, all over again.

This is fundamentalism at its purest.