
Time-Lapse: Awakening - New Zealand 4K

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/03/2014 3:57:17 pm PDT

Update on the Meow Machine:

The shelter called me this afternoon to ask a few questions. She is apparently actually a he and has now been fixed, but is still a little too fearful/skittish to be eligible for adoption, apparently. The woman I talked to said she’s fallen in love with him too so she was trying to establish what his behavior had been in our backyard to see if he really would be happy outdoors (they’d release him to a group that would place him in a feral colony).

She’s going to call me back with another update probably tomorrow morning at this point. I really wish it was going a different way and he was going home to a forever family, but if he’ll be happier as a feral kitty in a colony that is also ok.

He can’t come back here because we really would end up with an outdoor cat, I’m just that much of a sucker, and we’re probably moving in a year or so. I’m not sure moving an outdoor cat would work well.