
Civil Liberties Hero Edward Snowden Commits Massive Civil Liberties Violation

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/06/2014 11:37:32 am PDT

re: #11 SteveMcGazi

Ok so it’s on topic. You want to connect the dots between high school diploma qualification and Libertarian hysteria for me?

Sure, I’d disagree with the ‘baysenian’ part of it and think that simple statitistics is what’s necessary, but in order to think about stuff like a surveillance program, you’ve got to be able to really think about the odds of being caught up in it.

Additionally, knowing statistics would tell you the NSA wants to deal with fewer emails, not more. They’re not trying to solve the natural language program, they’re trying to look for patterns, and so the whole point of the filters is to discard the irrelevant and look for the relevant. The program works badly if it sweeps up every guy who googled ‘tor’ and surveills them.