
Nir Rosen Apologizes, Right Wing Bloggers Get a Pass

William Lewis2/18/2011 11:10:56 am PST

re: #10 kirkspencer

The governor held a special session to pass bills which turned a surplus to a deficit. (unfunded health care bill, tax cut bill, tax exemption bill). Then he wants public employees to make up the difference. Oh, and as a bonus he wants to strip the public unions of their collective bargaining power.

There are states this probably could have happened. Looks like Wisconsin isn’t one of them.

We’ll probably loose in the short term. But even up in the areas that voted solidly for Scooter, they’re furious over this. The Eau Claire city government, hardly a bastion of liburals has said they don’t want the teachers to lose CBA rights for one example. The next election will be interesting. I’m waiting to see how long before the ads for the Supreme Court Justice race start going on this theme (nominally non-partisan, the incumbant is a small c conservative Republican and the challenger is a Democrat.) How that plays may give an interesting look at what to look for down the road.