
Video: Chris Matthews and Barney Frank vs. Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/11/2012 12:54:48 pm PDT

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a …

Romney: Gay marriage stance was ‘not a religious decision’

“As a society, I think we’re better off if we encourage the establishment of homes with a mother and a father,” Romney told KETA-TV in an interview after his Thursday afternoon rally at an Omaha riverside restaurant.

Asked whether religion played a role in his position, Romney responded, “I indicated that’s based entirely upon a civil understanding of the needs of a society like our own.”

Pressed again on whether his faith had “any weight” in the decision, Romney said it did not.

“It’s not a religious decision,” he told KETA-TV. “It’s based upon what I believe is right for the nation and the building of strong generations for the future.”


The obvious slicing going on here is whether “his” religion is necessary the only one influencing Romney.

The truth is obvious - religion is influencing Romney’s decision, but he is trying to position his actions on not being uniquely Mormon.

The question the reporter ought to have asked is if the religion of the SoCons is influencing Romney’s position.