
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

HoosierHoops7/25/2013 8:38:52 pm PDT

re: #183 Political Atheist

My take is GZ really shoulda got manslaughter. Ans a sentence on the long side. Took a life without intent to do so IMO. I have been on a jury. And done a federal trial as an expert, had to be crossed etc. Even defended my employer twice on the stand.

One thing that hits a newb right between the eyes is the power of the laws and rules that are way bigger than you. You are truly constrained and it’s a bitch. You dig down and work inside the lines. Not to disagree with ya, just speaking to what I saw.

Thanks for your input..Like I said..Never been on a jury..Just say’n ( probably too strong but this Chimay beer just rocks )
I just think she is a woman looking for a way out..( Yup..I riffed a line from a movie..Tin Cup..)
Anyhoo..How is D_L doing? Taken any great pictures?
I got a shot on my cell of the storm going overhead on it’s way over to Moore..Dang! That tornado was wicked..I think it turned out to be a F5..I was ready to piss my pants as it roared overhead..Woa!..Bro..We ain’t in Kansas any more..