
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/30/2009 3:22:59 am PDT

Because Jack Cashill’s attempt at ‘literary analysis’ pisses me off so much, I have to post this. Behold the genius of his perception!

Obama [describes in Dreams a]”yellow dog with a baleful howl.” In [Ayers’] Fugitive Days […] he uses the word “baleful” to describe an “eye”. For the record, “baleful” means “threatening harm.” I had to look it up.

Here is Cashill’s ‘literary analysis’ in a nutshell:

1. Hey, Ayers and Obama both used a word I didn’t know!
2. That proves Ayers wrote Obama’s books! BLARGH YARGH SCREECH LIBERALS ANARCHISTS TERRORISTS CONSPIRACY GAAAHH Ph’nglui mglw’nafh OBAMA R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn! [sound of yakkety sax] [sound of tripping, falling, breaking].