
Jon Stewart on Fox News' A-Team of Medical Experts

Targetpractice11/14/2013 8:52:18 am PST

re: #176 lawhawk

The President’s fix? 1 year extension for policies that were cancelled by the implementation of the ACA (mainly for being substandard).

In other words, you get to keep your crappy insurance that doesn’t protect you when things go really wrong for another year.

Complicating matters is that Democrats are offering their own plan, and GOPers are salivating at the opportunity to sabotage the ACA once more (on top of their already devious plans in delaying actions to commit to state exchanges and heaping problems on to the federal exchange, withholding funding, etc.)

And, of course, the insurance companies will be announcing next year’s rate hikes next fall, just in time for the election. And any action that extends crap insurance for a year or more is going to send the insurance companies into a tizzy, as they’ll have to rework their numbers to assume that massive influence of new policies they were promised isn’t coming atop those who will simply take the penalty in ‘15.