
New From Keith Olbermann: What Did Trump Know? (And When Did He Stop Knowing It?)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/05/2017 12:47:12 am PST

re: #186 Alyosha

Maybe the weakness of my argument then, is that I don’t want the Democratic Party to make a case that panders to the white working class. They’re a fairly reliable voting bloc and they’re also changeable assholes.

Fuck ‘em.

Any solution that appeals to Trump voters might lose elections, but until voter suppression is cleared up they’re Republicans.

I’m the white working class. Thanks. High school education. Enlisted military career. The very definition of white working class.

You don’t want the Democratic Party to address the issues of millions of active duty and veteran enlisted? They’re the working class, and a whole bunch of them are white. Gold Star Families? Throw in a few million more voters. &c &c.

The Democratic Party needs to appeal to the working class, regardless of whether white, brown, black, or any other colour. The Republican platform sure ain’t it.