
Overnight Open Thread

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)1/12/2011 5:23:07 am PST

re: #184 Obdicut

It’s right at the top.

Her whole statement would be more appropriate if she were a religious rather than a political figure.

Oh yeah, thanks for pointint that out.

Also, regarding the whole appropriateness of her making a statement at all. I mean, she is not a Governor anymore, she does not hold any public office and is not currently running for one officially. She is a politician and a media personality. How is her making a statement relevant? Of course because she’s been mentioned in the debate after the shooting and even before the shooting by a victim of the shooting in a context repeated in the debate after the shooting, but she refuses to say anything about this at all, just shooing it away with a baseless tu quoque and a suggestion that those kind of talking points are tantamount to antisemitic charges of childmurder and sacrilege. And then she has the audacity to also repeat the whole “oh those politicos politicizing this event for their own selfish gains”, pretending that her scramble to keep control of the direction of the narrative in order to save her own brand is somehow an appropriate effort to “heal the nation” or whatever the fuck she is pretending to be doing altruistically with this message.