
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Birth Control Works5/31/2012 7:59:58 pm PDT

re: #185 Targetpractice

My folks, combined, spend something in the vicinity of $160 a month on cartons of cigarettes. And that’s probably cheaper than in the stores because they’re getting them through the Coast Guard Exchange.

I’ve pressed them for years to quit, their doctors have told them to quit, and still they’re resistant. Well, scratch that, my dad is resistant. My mother has said she has no problem quitting, has gone weeks at a stretch without lighting up. But she won’t quit unless he does and he’s as stubborn as a fucking mule. My mother says that he tried years ago to quit, and go so unbearable after about a week that she finally threw a carton at him and told him to mellow the fuck out.

I told my husband that if he ever quits again (he’s has twice for years) he is going on meds. Last time I bought him a package for the personal trainer at the gym. I won’t live with him if he quits without meds. Way too ADD.