
Independent Analysis of Planned Parenthood "Sting" Videos Finds Deceptive Manipulation

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/27/2015 5:48:04 pm PDT

re: #182 Kragar

A well regulated militia would mean standardized weapons and ammunition across the board, so that in time of national emergency, civilians could be formed into units under the control of the military to aid in the defense of the nation.

It does not mean every fucking asshole in America can own what ever fucking artillery he wants because he’s a paranoid gunfucking psychopath.

Americans Are “Fired Up” About First Commercially Available Flamethrowers

Gee, what could go wrong?

Why does one need a handheld flamethrower, you ask? Here are some “ideas” from the Ion Productions’ official XM42 website:

start your bonfire from across the yard
kill the weeds between your cracks in style
clearing snow/ice
controlled burns/ground-clearing of foliage/agricultural
insect control
As Ion goes on to point out (correctly, we might add), there are “endless possibilities for entertainment and utility.”

And don’t worry all you lefties out there, in the FAQ section the answer to the question “Is there a left handed model?” is emphatically “yes.”

It may be only a matter of time before some deranged yokel decides to light up his ex-wife’s Christmas or wedding party with one of these, as just such a yokel did a few years ago with his home-brew flamethrower. He also set himself on fire in the process, a risk that would presumably be mitigated with these professionally engineered commercial models.