
Acoustic Excellence: Dominic Miller, "Water" [VIDEO]

Hecuba's daughter1/04/2020 10:24:11 am PST

re: #169 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

iirc storing a full date with a 2 digit year took 6 bytes (yymmdd) or whatever

storing a julian integer a) took less and b) didnt have any limitations or cutoffs (y2k), at least for financial and integrated accounting purposes (ie that didnt have to go back further than say 1800 or in the future more than 500 years)

p.s. i havent programmed in years

Don’t Julian dates take 8 characters: yyyymmdd. At least that’s how they would have been transmitted from our clients.

In any case, rewriting major systems in a new language is an especial nightmare. You cannot translate the original code — you have to get detailed new specs; the original specs never contain all the patches made over the years. It takes years to rewrite, test, and replace big systems. And things never go as planned