
Colbert: Oath Keepers Charged With Seditious Conspiracy; We've Peaked as a Country

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion1/14/2022 4:36:07 pm PST

re: #16 Charles Johnson

I’m not so sure I agree with him. Yes, it does seem unlikely that Trump would directly conspire with the Oath Keeper goons, but this isn’t just a random militia group, either. They’re very connected in Republican politics, and have been worming their way into government agencies for years. It’s a mistake to see them as just a bunch of clowns.

Every right wing group that claims or seems to be “grassroots”, isn’t. Even if they started that way it didn’t last long. Turn over a couple of rocks and you find connections to the Kochs or any number of “think”-tanks or Super PACs.