
Sarah Palin Advises Christine O'Donnell to 'Speak Through Fox News'

Gus9/19/2010 8:03:02 pm PDT

re: #185 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Good possibility. Run somebody with “executive experience.” My guess is that the party will want to run a young up-and-comer in some hope of seizing the youth vote, but will ultimately pull another ‘08 and settle on the old codger with decades in Congress with the massive corporate-backed war chest and plenty of clout with Washington insiders. Probably somebody that can be painted as “fiscally conservative.”

IMO it’s too late for Huckabee, Palin or Romney. They had their chance in 2008 and failed. There is no president for their return to the limelight. Palin’s approval number are horrible and she’s barely noticed by the American public at large.

A Pawlenty, Jindal, or Daniels will garner more serious attention from the American public and they will go well beyond Iowa. Christie of New Jersey could also be in the picture. In the end all boils down to the primaries. Look at how fast Huckabee fell after Iowa.