
Rand Paul Won't Say How Old the Earth Is

SanFranciscoZionist6/28/2010 7:35:35 pm PDT

re: #169 brownbagj

We homeschool our kids and it is WORK. We are not doing it out of religious reasons, but mainly because we feel that two dedicated, college educated parents can do a really good job AND provide more opportunities for learning critical thinking which in our opinion is no longer taught in the majority of public schools.

We belong to a co-op of other parents where each parent has to teach a subject with agreed upon text - we go to these “classes” all day once a week. We then have school in our home every day. We go to the zoo every week and have classes there, at the aquarium etc. Our kids are already excelling well beyond their public school peers academically. But, we also work extremely hard on getting them experience in the real world - construction sites, vet clinics etc - things public school just cannot do.

Done correctly, homeschooling is a TON of work but I can already see the benefits to my kids - and this is why we do it.

If I can ask, how does this work financially? The thing that’s always made homeschooling seem impossible to me is how you manage to free up an adult to do this.