
Media Matters' Eric Boehlert Targeted In Bungled 'Verizon' Sting

Decatur Deb12/07/2011 8:35:12 pm PST

re: #185 HappyWarrior

Actually I saw some SEIU members at Mcpherson Square when I went down there because I’ve been meaning to check it out and they seemed cordial with the Occupy people. And again I laugh at Daily Caller’s attempt to make every student sympathetic to this movement in to a right wing caricature of student liberals. Dreadlocks? NExt you’ll tell me they had Che shirts and were quoting Chomsky. There are people like that of course but Daily Caller does not understand your average student activist at all or his motivations. I guess you’re a spoiled brat to protest policies that want to cut student loans and Pell Grants. Nerve of kids to want to get an education.

The OWS needs as much union presence as it can get. Disciplined bulky middle-middles are part of the answer to unwelcome Black Bloc provocateurs.