
Shocka! Obama's Gaffes Noticed by Mainstream Media

Last Mohican3/30/2009 7:54:48 pm PDT

re: #84 Afrocity

Isn’t it weird how that works? Where I live and work, which is in a very blue state, people often spontaneously start launching into angry non sequitur diatribes about how evil Republicans are, even in the middle of a conversation about, say, the NCAA basketball tournament, or what aisle breakfast cereals are on. And on those rare occasions when I respond by mentioning that I don’t share their beliefs and I don’t see what the evil of Republicans has to do with where the breakfast cereal is, they say that I’m the strange one.

Is this kind of weird behavior limited to the left? Or does the opposite thing happen somewhere? I.e. if I were to walk into a grocery store in, I don’t know, rural Alabama, and ask where the cereal is, would the clerk say “it’s on aisle 5, assuming that evil commie secret Muslim bastard Obama hasn’t come through with his armed band of secret national service corps stormtroopers and stolen it yet.”

Seriously, without exaggerating, that degree of instant rage meltdown is quite common here in the blue states.