
Rolling Stone Interviews President Obama

Escaped Hillbilly9/28/2010 6:02:58 pm PDT

re: #27 pharmmajor

Well who DIDN’T know that FOX News was bad for the country?

Me. You guys are starting to act like the people you make so much fun of. A softball question lobbed back as expected and your jumping up and down about it. You absolutely refuse to believe there are intelligent people who enjoy watching FOX and aren’t completely insane. Get over yourselves. There is a reason it is so popular. Not all of their viewers are rabid tea partiers. The more you make fun of them, the more people turn against YOU. I think I am perfectly capable of separating the absurd and unbelievable from the true. I have been doing it for years. Back when there were all of 3 channels to chose from, no one believed 60 Minutes sometimes made shit up. Guess what? I used to get frustrated watching a presidential address and then watching the “anchorman” come on a claim he said the complete opposite as if I hadn’t just watched it. More competition, more competing view points, better, and better. Gimme CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CSPAN, BBC…all of them. Yeah, even Al Jazeera.