
Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

Targetpractice5/27/2012 5:25:11 pm PDT

re: #193 palomino

But that’s not necessarily stupid; maybe Trayvon could have beat him in a FAIR fight. And if someone is following you at night, it’s not unreasonable to want to find out what the hell is going on and confront your follower. Because in most cases where someone is being followed at night, there’s a reason to be scared and the follower’s motives—in the mind of a law abiding pedestrian, eg, Trayvon—are certainly suspect.

You’re alone at night, guy is following you. You run, he loses sight of you, and begins walking away. You decide that the best course of action is to get in his face and demand to know why he’s following you? Especially if you believe he’s armed?