
MSNBC Gives Alec Baldwin's Show the Axe

Birth Control Works11/26/2013 5:16:58 pm PST

re: #195 GeneJockey

Oddly enough, he never seemed to attract any women. Or men. I wonder if he ever figured out why.

BTW, not to imply that he didn’t bathe frequently, or smelled funny. But I figured that our caveman ancestors probably didn’t trim their moustaches all that frequently either, and they didn’t bathe…

Ya know, I think more of our “cave-man” ancestors than most. I think they figured out that being clean felt ALOT better than not being clean. Even horses prefer to be clean.

THey may not have trimmed their hair too often, but I bet they had a tool they knew they could use on hair if they had to or wanted to.