
Must-See Video: John Oliver on the Plague of Online Harassment

weltallica6/23/2015 2:54:10 am PDT

All this open mockery and harrassment of Milo PROVES that the LGF community hates gay people, and is actively trying to drive gay people out of journalism. There can literally be no other possible reason for their vitriol.

Want more proof? Someone sent a syringe to Milo by mail. Was it from users of Little Green Footballs? WHO KNOWS? All I know is they have continually harrassed Milo for months, just because he’s a gay man. Don’t ask me for evidence; that’s harrassment. And I won’t be dignifying any replies to this post with a response, because you don’t give Evil equal time. When you make a holocaust documentary, do you give time to holocaust deniers, to be “fair”? No, you don’t!

The LGF community hates and harrasses gay people. This is fact. Ignore their “No, we just disagree with him” lies. Until they admit that one of their side sent the syringe, and maybe dump the tainted and toxic “LGF” label, all we can do is spread the word that Little Green Footballs is a website forum dedicated to hatred and harrasment of gay people. The syringe in the mail proved it.

Disagree with Milo? You just hate gays.
Disagree with Anita Sarkeesian? You just hate women.

What a beautifully simple Black & White world we live in…