
Dazzling Stop Motion Animation: The Fall

chadu3/13/2013 8:49:43 pm PDT

re: #171 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

Agree about the Massacre defense. The Alien and Sedition Acts stick in my craw, though.

I have a theory about that.

Granted, JA had serious issues about not being taken seriously.

However, the shit that was being published pissed Abigail off, because they were dissing her husband, a true patriot, who had suffered and sacrificed in their cause.

If you look at their letters, Abigail is definitely pushing John to sign the A&SAs (to protect him, in her mind).

And when your greatest and wisest counsel is so forceful, you listen.

I think the A&SAs were the singular failure of John and Abigail Adams.

They finally took politics too personal (still, took far beyond what any reasonable person would’ve; also, the new USA was in ferment; also also, TJ was actively suborning and undercutting JA), and screwed Ye Olde Poodle.

It’s tough to think how the defense attorney for the Boston Massacre could support the A&SAs.

But it happened.