
A Good Piece at WaPo on the Relationship Between Michael Brown and Friend Dorian Johnson

steve509/01/2014 6:14:44 pm PDT

re: #175 ausador

Let’s stick to things we know are facts since you have no idea what you are talking about.

3. Six were fired at Michael Brown as he ran and then turned. (see 9)

4. Four more shots were fired three and a half seconds later.

5. When Michael brown died he was a full 35 feet from the front of the Officers SUV.

6. The police admit that Officer Wilson fired at Michael while he was running away.

7. Michael had to have been hit twice before those last four shots were fired because he was hit six times.

Mull that over and get back to us.

When did the police say he was shot while running away? I would expect the bullets from each gun burst to be close to each other. 4 in his arm And then 2 to the head.

You are also not considering what the witnesses are heard saying while the crime scene is being video taped. Brown doubled back on him and kept coming.