
Milo Yiannopoulos' Posts Are Actually Written by "About 44" Gamergate Clowns

Dr. Matt4/01/2016 7:36:09 am PDT

Study says those who call out grammatical errors are in fact scientifically ‘jerks’

Everybody knows the world’s worst people are the ones who never miss an opportunity to explain the difference between who and whom. Those “friends” who are pretending to be policing spelling and grammar for the sake of posterity are probably just flexing for attention, or so it seems to everyone they’re interrupting.

As a study from the University of Michigan recently found, those people aren’t just annoying, they’re also apparently huge jerks.

The study looked at the way both introverted and extroverted people reacted to typos within emails, and deduced that those who were less socially-inclined tended to “judge the person who makes such errors more negatively.”