
PJTV: Joe the Plumber and the Hamas Charter

198 1:23:23 pm PST

re: #192 nyc redneck

i know people who see him that way. they get glassy eyed and smug w/ self satisfaction that they are a part of such a historic event.
yesterday, a guy something like, ‘isn’t is incredible, i never thought i would see it in my lifetime.”
i said, “see what? stupid racist people electing someone to the office of potus, strictly to have a historic event. being black doesn’t qualify some one for office”
his mouth dropped opened.
and then i said, “i was oblivious to his color, i voted as a color blind person, based on his bad socialist policies and his weak character, it had nothing to do w/ his race.”
too many people have given up responsibility for their own lives. happily giving the messiah power over them. it’s a cult situation. and exalting a human being to the status of a powerful deity never ends well. but they are in the throes of their rapture. they can’t be reasoned w/.
i’m imaging sensible relatives trying to talk a family member out of going to jones town.
(sorry for the rant, just had a fight w/ my brother)

Your rant was right on target.