
John Oliver Explores the Horror of Lethal Injections [VIDEO]

Dangerman5/06/2019 2:47:40 pm PDT

re: #191 Chrysicat

[Embedded content]

that underlying graphic is asinine broad brushing

“if democrats wanted to win…” win what? the presidency?

“they’d spend less time, blah blah blah “
- the candidates are spending almost no time blaming russia, attacking trump etc. (except biden who to a greater degree is taking trump head on)
- it’s their job as opposing primary candidates to ‘scheme against bernie sanders’

listen to any of them for five minutes and it’s clear they are speaking to the needs of their voters

democrats in congress are focusing on oversight, which includes russia, trump, the administration, etc

there is no monolithic “Democrats”
different groups of “democrats” can do more than one thing at the same time. and they are