
Video: Pastor Broden's Benediction

What, me worry?11/05/2009 12:38:53 pm PST

re: #173 DaddyG

I try really hard not to invoke Jesus specifically if I know I am in an a diverse audience. I figure those who are praying along know the proper name of their own God and I don’t need to instruct them. ON the other hand I try not to take offense at others whose genuine expression of faith in my behalf doesn’t jive with my doctrines. I would be a fool to be openly offeneded by someone who was willing to ask their God to bless me regardless of title or doctrines.

Oh I’m not openly offended. I just internally seethe! I would never have the poor manners to express that other than anonymously in cyberspace :)

But I do find it very rude. It’s happened at work a few times. We have birthday celebrations or promotions and some gal (who no longer works here) would inevitably kick off a prayer. No one even told her, including her bosses, that it was inappropriate. Also considering that 50% of the people here are Jewish.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel it’s a way of trying to convert Jews or non-believers in general.

I understand the intention, but the road to hell is often paved by good intentions ;)