
We Got Mail!

Walter L. Newton9/15/2010 6:34:01 pm PDT

O’Donnell is good for the Tea Party. The fervor and enthusiasm that the most of Tea Party is showing for political activism is good for politics in general. The lack of good judgement that some of these Tea Party members are showing, both at the state level and personally, is challenging to say the least.

O’Donnell is the results of a lack of good judgement, a mistake brought on by feelings and emotions and not by a realization that there are two sides to the coin in this game, the ability to energize the base, and selecting a electable candidate.

O’Donnell is not electable. Dan Maes in Colorado is not electable. The Tea Party experience is new, they are making some mistakes, and hopefully they will learn from their mistakes.

O’Donnell was a mistake, let’s see what they learn.