
Ann Coulter: Creationist

TedStriker9/04/2011 12:20:15 am PDT

re: #198 goddamnedfrank

I came across the photo linked below today (safe for work but not for your brain) and I left wondering why, why would anybody think making this was a good idea? If you don’t want to click (and I can’t blame you with my sales pitch) it’s a photo of some guy holding a pregnant woman (bare belly, with epic stretch marks) close while pointing a gun at the camera. Perhaps you’ve already seen it, it’s making the rounds. Dude has fucking crazy eyes and the woman has a surreal blissful smile, the disconnect between their two expressions is possibly the creepiest thing in one already epically creepy photograph. I’m guessing that it’s supposed to be some kind of fucked up anti-abortion statement, but I can’t help but pity any child raised by these screwheaded psychopaths.

Most disturbing photo ever. (You have been warned.)
