
Do your job or get out.

๐Ÿˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ10/07/2013 5:43:17 am PDT


Why are you posting increasingly delusional rants to LGF?

You know that your deranged text contains no truth, and will not distract from the Republicans taking our country hostage. You know the facts are available, your lies are easily exposed, and you know almost everyone here sees right through absurd propaganda from the degenerate remains of the Republican party.

So whatโ€™s your issue? Why portray yourself as a deranged wingnut at a place where the Conservative reverse-meritocracy is not in effect, and you will not gain social stature for lying?

Wouldnโ€™t your time be better spent either getting some professional help, or lying to wingnuts who will love you for lying to them?