
Why This Manhattan Gun Store Didn't Actually Sell Guns

Dark_Falcon3/20/2015 8:39:18 pm PDT

A horseshit stunt is what this was, showing models of guns that aren’t legal in NYC or even in New York State for that matter. There was no attempt to arrest would-be buyers, so it wasn’t entrapment but it was still deeply dishonest.

The spiel quoted above is about a child shooting his infant brother. But that would not have happened had the gun been stored in the sort of safe storage units that can be purchased at the vast majority of gun stores. Another outlet quoted a similarly ‘all bad pitch’ about a model of an Uzi, a fully-automatic weapon that is again not legal for ownership in New York State and the purchase of which is subject to strict federal controls and registration.

Again, IMO this was just a crappy anti-gun stunt.